Reggae Chronology
Important dates in reggae history ...

Jamaica : the stone that the builder refused

1494 - Columbus discovers Jamaica
1655 - English fleet invades Jamaica
1692 - Port Royal destroyed, Kingston founded
1738 - Eighty year Maroon rebellion ended
1795 - Second Maroon war
1807 - African slave trade abolished in British colonies
1838 - Abolition of slavery in Jamaica
1916 - Marcus Garvey's farewell address to the jamaican people
1930 - Haile Selassie I crowned Emperor of Ethiopia
1940 - Marcus Garvey dies in London, Leonard Howell establishes Rastafarian commune at Pinnacle Estate
1948 - Rhygin'the bandit (Ivanhoe Martin)gunned down on Lime Key
1952 - Count Shelly starts his sound system in Swindon.Duke Vin starts his sound system in London. The first ever sound clash takes place
1954 - Pinnacle closed by police
1958 - First Niyabinghi convention held by Prince Edward Emmanuel

The early performers

1959 - Clement C.Dodd sets up his recording business in Kingston. Beginning of ska era
1960 - The Blue Beat label is started by Melodisc in the UK
1961 - Chris Blackwell starts the Island label in the UK
1962 - Jimmy Cliff, Skatalites, Wailers and Maytals begin careers. Jamaican independence from England
1963 - Clash between police and Rastafarians near Montego Bay
1965 - Height of rude boy era
1966 - Haile Selassie I visits Jamaica. An especially hot and humid summer slows jamaican dancers, and the rock steady era begins
1968 - Twelves Tribes of Israel organization formed.
The birth of reggae
1969 - Ethiopian Orthodox Church formed in Jamaica.
Don Drummond dies in May
1970 - Skinhead reggae in England
1971 - "The Harder They Come" in production. In August the producer Lesley Kong died
1972 - Island rds releases the Wailers "Catch a Fire". The modern reggae era begins.
King Tubby's first dub is released "Tubby's At The Control".
Jamaican elections bring Michael Manley and the PNP to power.

From the roots to the future
1973 - Channel One studio opens up,owned by Hookim Brothers.
Lee Perry opens up the Black Ark studio.
1974 - Pressure Drop the world first reggaezine published in London - England, by Penny Reel and Nick Kimberley.
The Gun Court is established in Jamaica as a result of rising violence
1975 - Reported death of Haile Selassi in Addis Ababa
1976 - The first reggae 12" discos is released, Truly by The Jays on Channel One.
"Rockers" the second major feature made in Jamaica is released, starring Leroy'Horsemouth' Wallace the film is another great success
1977 - The Wailers "Exodus" album released (Time's Best Album of the Century)
1978 - One Love Peace concert held in Kingston.
"Record Selector" the first discographies book on reggae music published by Roger Dalke.
"Small Axe" published by Ray Hurford in London - England
1980 - Edward Seaga elected prime minister
1981 - Bob Marley dies in Miami.
Severe rioting in black and poor neighborhoods of English cities.
Early dancehall or rub-a-dub
1982 - Is the year of Connection Lyrics in the dancehall.
The first live dancehall album "Live at Aces" is released
1983 - The famous Black Ark of Lee Perry is burned down
1984 - King Tubby releases Anthony Red Rose's "Tempo" on his Firehouse label,first all digital reggae tune
1985 - Early digital
1995 - Nu roots style, also called "dancehall roots" means the return of the conscious lyrics